2015 Open Forum Agenda

2015 Leadership Summit Agenda

  • Presidential Update
  • Committee and Treasurer Update

Morning Discussion Topics

  • NAMFS - 2014 Review:
    • Background Check Solution Update
    • Responses; OIG, HUD Servicing Guide, Legal Opinions
    • Tangential Industry Opportunities
  • Industry Scorecard Discussion
  • New Property Inspection Discussion
    • NAMFS members being asked to think this through and help de­ne the solution
  • Technology Discussion
    • Integrations
    • Mobile

Afternoon Discussion Topics

  • Mortgage Field Service Professional Issues
    • Turnaround Times in relations to FC timelines
    • Pricing & Emergency Services
    • BATF & Chargebacks
  • “Compliance” vs. Independent Contractor Status
  • Open Discussion

Morning Discussion Topics

  • NAMFS: Review of 2014 and what are key initiatives:
    • ALLIANCE, NAMFS Academy & Industry Solutions Committee
    • Background Check Solution Update
  • Investor/Insurer Updates
    • Updated Servicing Guide, Allowables and Schedules
    • Pre-conveyance Inspection
    • Conveyance Condition identification and bids
    • Various Outstanding Contracts
  • Technology - Mobile, independent systems, coodinated integration, NAMFS Technology Committee Afternoon Discussion Topics
  • Industry Scorecard Update
  • New Inspection Fields
  • Mortgage Field Service Professional Issues
    • Turnaround Times in relations to FC timelines
    • Pricing & Emergency Services
  • Legal & Compliance Issues
    • State Laws - ME, MI, VT and more
    • Compliance and Control vs. Independent Contractor Status
  • Fast track vacant properties