2016 Open Forum Agenda

2016 Leadership Summit Agenda

  • Presidential Update - Current State of Industry
  • Committee and Treasurer Update

Morning Discussion Topics:

  • Regulatory Items:
    • ML 2016-02 & New GSE Inspection
    • Debt Collection Concern
    • Cost Estimation v Allowables
    • Standard WO Verbiage and Photo Labels
    • Conveyance Condition Standard
    • Solutions for Community Blight

Afternoon Discussion Topics:

  • Business Related Issues
    • Certification - NAMFS Academy
    • Diversification
    • Pricing, Turnaround Time & Volumes
    • Insurance - GL, E&O, Workers Comp
    • Use of Drones and/or Video
    • Onboarding Best Practices
  • Open Discussion
  • Presidential Update

Morning Discussion Topics:

  • NAMFS Industry Solutions Initiatives:
    • Background Check Solution
    • Regulatory Guidance Review
    • Creation of Standards - Conveyance, Services, Training
  • HUD ML 2016-02:
    • Current State
    • Resolution to questions/requests for clarification
    • Concerns around decisions related to "servicing" issues
    • Reconveyances
  • New Inspection Forms:
    • Data requested outside of scope/Pricing,
    • Risk associated with completion ($, Insurance, Legal)

Afternoon Discussion Topics:

  • Third Party Validation
    • Technology & Data Entry offerings
  • Technology
    • Integration Benefits
    • Lack of Standards
  • Open Discussion