NAMFS is excited to provide webinars to our members. These webinars are specifically designed for the mortgage field services community to provide up-to-date information on variety of industry related topics.

Facilitate a NAMFS Webinar

NAMFS's Webinar Series, led by mortgage field services leaders and professionals in the default mortgage servicing industry, enable individuals a convenient way to learn about best practices, available technology and research related to property preservation. In order to make this information available to our members and community, we need you to share your best practices and expertise.

Facilitating a NAMFS webinar helps to build your industry influence, while providing product or services guidance to your vendor and clients who are NAMFS members.

Facilitator Criteria:

  • Webinar facilitators should be able to deliver approximately 45-minutes of engaging content (there is a 15 minutequestion and answer period.
  • Webinar topics should be meaningful and timely to the mortgage field services industry and NAMFS members.
  • Webinars should help NAMFS members improve their skills, expand their knowledge base of the industry or provide current business practices.
  • Webinar facilitators must be willing to submit a title and description that demonstrates a compelling initiative for the mortgage field community as well as the presentation.
  • Webinar facilitators must be willing to participate in a practice session prior to the webinar.
  • Webinars are recorded and archived to enable NAMFS members to view the webinar later.

If you are interested in being a NAMFS webinar facilitator, please send your webinar topic, description and contact information along with why you feel it would be a valuable webinar for NAMFS members to

Past Webinars